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Interview with Susan Polgar
-Today we are in Susan Polgar house in Saint-Louis and we will try to present you the great champion and What she is really doing for the last 15 years. This is quite incredible, but we are not sure all of you know what she has done for promoting chess and bringing it in the large scale in the US and the World.
Legal's mate
-The Légal Trap or Blackburne Trap is a chess opening trap, characterized by a queen sacrifice followed by checkmate with minor pieces. Free Video
Dim on the rim?
-Romanishin Gambit [A13] with GM Tony Kosten
The 6 h3 Najdorf bandwagon!
-The Najdorf 6 h3 [B90] by IM Richard Palliser
Stellar Jobava!
-Nimzo-Larsen - 1.b3 [A01] with IM John Bartholomew
Problems for the Dutch?
-Anti-Dutch with Nc3 and Bg5 [A80] by GM Glenn Flear
Play the Morris Gambit!
-The Morris Gambit Accepted [D00] by GM Eric Prié
Counter the Center Counter!
-Center Counter 3...Qd6 [B01] with GM Danny Gormally
Delayed poison!
-Najdorf 6 Bg5 Delayed Poisoned Pawn Variation [B96] by IM Richard Palliser
Is it a Tromp or is it a Sicilian?
-The Trompowsky Opening 2...c5 3 Nc3 [A45] by IM Richard Palliser
Kramnik's Gambit
-Nimzo-Indian Parma Variation 8...Nbd7 [E55] by GM John Emms
A key tabiya in the Réti
-Réti Opening [A14] with IM John Bartholomew
Emil's new Seville plan
-Exchange Grünfeld Defence, Seville Variation [D88] with GM Glenn Flear
Structure versus Activity!
-Pseudo-Grunfeld [A16] with IM John Bartholomew
Nakamura plays the Polugaevsky!
-Najdorf 6 Bg5 Polugaevsky Variation [B96] by IM Richard Palliser
A monstrous tactic!
-GM Gawain Jones analyses the 9 g4 Be6 10 Nxe6 Yugoslav Attack [B76]
Shirov v Keres!
-Scheveningen Sicilian, Keres Attack with 6...e5 [B81] by IM Richard Palliser
Karpov at the Tour de France
-Chess fans are encouraged to play a game against Karpov, starting at the same time as the Tour de France.
Apicella's Winawer
-French Winawer Variation - 7 Qg4 0-0 [C18] with IM John Watson
Another Tricky Line for White!
-Modern Benoni: 7 Bf4 a6 8 Nd2!? [A61] by GM John Emms