Shulman and Nakamura catch up

The top board clash between Onischuk and Kamsky was drawn. So wins by Hikaru Nakamura (with White against the unfancied Jesse Kraai) and Yuri Shulman (with Black against Alex Stripunsky) brought them up into equal first on 4.5/6.

Kamsky played an ultra-solid system and Onischuk wasn't able to make anything from his space advantage.

Larry Christiansen's win (from a 2.b3 Sicilian!) over Irina Krush places him in fifth place on his own on 4/6.

Nakamura employed the fashionable Catalan opening to keep a game-long pull against Kraai.

Stripunsky-Shulman featured a sideline of the Winawer that is popular amongst club players. White sacrifices a pawn for activity, but Shulman wasn't impressed and after equalizing easily he proceeded to outplay his opponent. The rook ending race looked exciting but Shulman always kept control.

Here are the sixth round results in full:

1GM Alexander Onischuk (4)26990.5-0.5GM Gata Kamsky (4)2702
2GM Hikaru Nakamura (3.5)27331-0GM Jesse Kraai(3.5)2492
3GM Alexander Stripunsky (3.5)25700-1GM Yury Shulman (3.5)2613
4GM Varuzhan Akobian (3)25990.5-0.5GM Alex Yermolinsky(3)2528
5GM Larry Christiansen (3)25781-0IM Irina Krush (3)2455
6GM Alexander Shabalov(2.5)25851-0GM Gregory Kaidanov(2.5)2577
7GM Ben Finegold (2.5)25391-0GM Joel Benjamin (2.5)2565
8GM Ray Robson (2)25690.5-0.5GM Jaan Ehlvest (2)2591
9IM Levon Altounian(1.5)24540-1GM Robert Hess(2)2590
10GM Aleksandr Lenderman(1.5)25981-0GM Sergey Kudrin (1.5)2571
11GM Vinay Bhat(1.5)25471-0IM Samuel Shankland(1.5)2507
12GM Dmitry Gurevich(1)24880.5-0.5GM Melikset Khachiyan (1.5)2539

In this event, the clashes between the top trio were drawn.

Onischuk: Ready for battle. @ official site

The ultimate winner will probably come from the players involved on the top three boards.

1GM Yuri Shulman (4.5)2613GM Alexander Onischuk (4.5)2699
2GM Larry Christiansen (4)2578GM Hikaru Nakamura (4.5)2733
3GM Gata Kamsky (4.5)2702GM Alexander Shabalov (3.5)2585
4GM Jesse Kraai (3.5)2492GM Alexander Stripunsky (3.5)2570
5GM Alex Yermolinsky (3.5)2528GM Ben Finegold (3.5)2539
6GM Robert Hess (3)2590GM Varuzhan Akobian (3.5)2599
7IM Irina Krush (3)2455GM Aleksandr Lenderman (2.5)2598
8GM Jaan Ehlvest (2.5)2591GM Vinay Bhat (2.5)2547
9GM Gregory Kaidanov (2.5)2577GM Ray Robson (2.5)2569
10GM Melikset Khachiyan (2)2539GM Joel Benjamin (2.5)2565
11GM Sergey Kudrin (1.5)2571GM Dmitry Gurevich (1.5)2488
12IM Samuel Shankland (1.5)2507IM Levon Altounian (1.5)2454

You can watch the games live and can find more information on the official tournament site.

In the seventh round both Kamsky and Nakamura 'float down' to players with less points.

Nakamura reflects. @ official site
Kamsky concentrates. @ official site

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