Showing his intention to complicate, Hikaru Nakamura played the King's Gambit! Michael Adams accepted the offer, but gave back a central pawn in order to complete his development in peace. There then followed a complex middlegame in which both players had chances. The assymetric pawns, where White had a central majority and Black extra pawns on both wings, created many interesting options for both players. The breath-taking middlegame pawn race was won by a whisker by the American, thus enabling him to make it to second place.
Nigel Short decided to play very conservatively against Magnus Carlsen. The symmetric Giuoco Piano (Quiet Italian) can be very dry indeed, although both players sought winning chances. A positional pawn sacrifice by Short to break up Black's pawns paid off as he won a pawn. However the rook endgame with all the pawns on one wing was drawn.
Luke McShane handled Anand's Caro-Kann in an equally solid way and although the Englishman had the bishop pair, he was unable to make any progress against Anand's well installed defence.
The game between Vladimir Kramnik and Levon Aronian left White with a nominal edge (Black had an isolated queen's pawn for a while and arguably the worst bishop). However at this level this wasn't enough to cause Black any difficulties.
The ninth round:
White | Country | Rating | Result | Black | Country | Rating | Moves | Opening details |
Vladimir Kramnik | RUS | 2800 | 0.5-0.5 | Levon Aronian | ARM | 2802 | 32 | Queen's Gambit Declined (5.Bf4) |
Nigel Short | ENG | 2698 | 0.5-0.5 | Magnus Carlsen | NOR | 2826 | 77 | Giuoco Piano |
Hikaru Nakamura | USA | 2758 | 1-0 | Michael Adams | ENG | 2734 | 41 | King's Gambit Accepted |
Luke McShane | ENG | 2671 | 0.5-0.5 | Viswanathan Anand | IND | 2811 | 25 | Caro-Kann (Two Knights) |
David Howell (England, 2633) sat out the final round whilst helping out with the live commentary.
Here is the final table:
Rank | Name | Country | Rating | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Total (3, 1, 0) | Total (standard) |
1 | Vladimir Kramnik | RUS | 2800 | * | ½ | ½ | 1 | ½ | ½ | 1 | 1 | 1 | 16 | 6 |
2 | Hikaru Nakamura | USA | 2758 | ½ | * | 0 | ½ | 1 | 1 | ½ | 1 | 1 | 15 | 5½ |
3 | Magnus Carlsen | NOR | 2826 | ½ | 1 | * | ½ | ½ | ½ | ½ | 1 | 1 | 14 | 5½ |
4 | Luke McShane | ENG | 2671 | 0 | ½ | ½ | * | ½ | ½ | 1 | 1 | 1 | 13 | 5 |
5 | Levon Aronian | ARM | 2802 | ½ | 0 | ½ | ½ | * | ½ | 1 | ½ | ½ | 9 | 4 |
6 | Viswanathan Anand | IND | 2811 | ½ | 0 | ½ | ½ | ½ | * | 1 | ½ | ½ | 9 | 4 |
7 | Nigel Short | ENG | 2698 | 0 | ½ | ½ | 0 | 0 | 0 | * | ½ | 1 | 6 | 2½ |
8 | David Howell | ENG | 2633 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | ½ | ½ | ½ | * | ½ | 4 | 2 |
9 | Michael Adams | ENG | 2734 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | ½ | ½ | 0 | ½ | * | 3 | 1½ |
Further statistics:
Position | Name | Country | Rating (1/11/2011) | World Ranking (1/11/2011) | Age | Games played | London Points | Standard points | Elo +/- |
1 | Vladimir Kramnik | RUS | 2800 | 4 | 36 | 7 | 16 | 6 | +13.6 |
2 | Hikaru Nakamura | USA | 2758 | 10 | 24 | 7 | 15 | 5½ | +13.4 |
3 | Magnus Carlsen | NOR | 2826 | 1 | 21 | 7 | 14 | 5½ | +5.4 |
4 | Luke McShane | ENG | 2671 | 74 | 27 | 7 | 13 | 5 | +19.6 |
5-6 | Levon Aronian | ARM | 2802 | 3 | 29 | 7 | 9 | 4 | -6.4 |
5-6 | Viswanathan Anand | IND | 2811 | 2 | 42 | 7 | 9 | 4 | -8 |
7 | Nigel Short | ENG | 2698 | 48 | 46 | 7 | 6 | 2½ | -8.6 |
8 | David Howell | ENG | 2633 | 139 | 21 | 8 | 4 | 2 | -5.6 |
9 | Michael Adams | ENG | 2734 | 17 | 40 | 7 | 3 | 1½ | -23.4 |
There were 3 points for a win and 1 for a draw in London.
Big ELO gains for Kramnik and Nakamura and of course McShane.
Five of the nine players lost rating points, the most significant deficit being that of being Michael Adams.
The details of the earlier rounds follow on below.
First round:
White | Country | Rating | Result | Black | Country | Rating | Moves | Opening details |
Vladimir Kramnik | RUS | 2800 | 0.5-0.5 | Hikaru Nakamura | USA | 2758 | 45 | Catalan with ...dxc4 |
Levon Aronian | ARM | 2802 | 0.5-0.5 | Luke McShane | ENG | 2671 | 42 | Chebanenko Slav |
Magnus Carlsen | NOR | 2826 | 1-0 | David Howell | ENG | 2633 | 40 | Spanish with d3 |
Michael Adams | ENG | 2734 | 0.5-0.5 | Viswanathan Anand | IND | 2811 | 49 | Sicilian Najdorf |
Second round:
White | Country | Rating | Result | Black | Country | Rating | Moves | Opening details |
Nigel Short | ENG | 2698 | 0-1 | Vladimir Kramnik | RUS | 2800 | 43 | Four Knights Rubinstein |
Hikaru Nakamura | USA | 2758 | 1-0 | Levon Aronian | ARM | 2802 | 54 | Queen's Gambit 3...Be7 |
Luke McShane | ENG | 2671 | 0.5-0.5 | Magnus Carlsen | NOR | 2826 | 79 | Spanish Neo-Archangel |
David Howell | ENG | 2633 | 0.5-0.5 | Michael Adams | ENG | 2734 | 35 | Spanish Anti-Marshall |
Third round:
White | Country | Rating | Result | Black | Country | Rating | Moves | Opening details |
Levon Aronian | ARM | 2802 | 1-0 | Nigel Short | ENG | 2698 | 60 | Queen's Indian Defence |
Magnus Carlsen | NOR | 2826 | 1-0 | Hikaru Nakamura | USA | 2758 | 41 | Quiet Italian |
Michael Adams | ENG | 2734 | 0-1 | Luke McShane | ENG | 2671 | 61 | Spanish with d3 |
Viswanathan Anand | IND | 2811 | 0.5-0.5 | David Howell | ENG | 2633 | 65 | Slav Defence |
Fourth round:
White | Country | Rating | Result | Black | Country | Rating | Moves | Opening details |
Michael Adams | ENG | 2734 | 0-1 | Nigel Short | ENG | 2698 | 71 | French Tarrasch |
Magnus Carlsen | NOR | 2826 | 0.5-0.5 | Vladimir Kramnik | RUS | 2800 | 55 | Nimzoindian with g3. |
David Howell | ENG | 2633 | 0-1 | Luke McShane | ENG | 2671 | 37 | Scotch Opening |
Viswanathan Anand | IND | 2811 | 0-1 | Hikaru Nakamura | USA | 2758 | 49 | King's Indian Classical Bayonnet |
Fifth round:
White | Country | Rating | Result | Black | Country | Rating | Moves | Opening details |
Vladimir Kramnik | RUS | 2800 | 1-0 | Michael Adams | ENG | 2734 | 55 | Bogoljubov Defence |
Levon Aronian | ARM | 2802 | 0.5-0.5 | Magnus Carlsen | NOR | 2826 | 55 | Chebanenko Slav |
Hikaru Nakamura | USA | 2758 | 1-0 | David Howell | ENG | 2633 | 38 | English Opening |
Nigel Short | ENG | 2698 | 0-1 | Viswanathan Anand | IND | 2811 | 62 | Sicilian Moscow Variation |
Sixth round:
White | Country | Rating | Result | Black | Country | Rating | Moves | Opening details |
Viswanathan Anand | IND | 2811 | 0.5-0.5 | Vladimir Kramnik | RUS | 2800 | 39 | Queen's Gambit Declined 5.Bf4 |
Michael Adams | ENG | 2734 | 0.5-0.5 | Levon Aronian | ARM | 2802 | 34 | Spanish Berlin |
Luke McShane | ENG | 2671 | 0.5-0.5 | Hikaru Nakamura | USA | 2758 | 31 | Sicilian 3.g3 |
David Howell | ENG | 2633 | 0.5-0.5 | Nigel Short | ENG | 2698 | 36 | French Tarrasch |
Seventh round:
White | Country | Rating | Result | Black | Country | Rating | Moves | Opening details |
Levon Aronian | ARM | 2802 | 0.5-0.5 | Viswanathan Anand | IND | 2811 | 25 | Queen's Gambit Declined 5.Bf4 |
Magnus Carlsen | NOR | 2826 | 1-0 | Michael Adams | ENG | 2734 | 34 | Nimzoindian Defence |
Nigel Short | ENG | 2698 | 0-1 | Luke McShane | ENG | 2671 | 36 | King's Gambit |
Vladimir Kramnik | RUS | 2800 | 1-0 | David Howell | ENG | 2633 | 36 | Queen's Gambit Accepted |
Eighth round:
White | Country | Rating | Result | Black | Country | Rating | Moves | Opening details |
David Howell | ENG | 2633 | 0.5-0.5 | Levon Aronian | ARM | 2802 | 54 | Pirc Defence (Austrian) |
Viswanathan Anand | IND | 2811 | 0.5-0.5 | Magnus Carlsen | NOR | 2826 | 33 | Queen's Gambit Declined (Tartakower) |
Hikaru Nakamura | USA | 2758 | 0.5-0.5 | Nigel Short | ENG | 2698 | 90 | English Opening |
Luke McShane | ENG | 2671 | 0-1 | Vladimir Kramnik | RUS | 2800 | 69 | Spanish with d3 |
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