Kamsky took Black with less time (25 minutes against Shulman's one hour) but with draw odds and put up a staunch defence to hold out and thus become the new US Champion.
1 | GM Yuri Shulman (6.5) | 2613 | 0.5-0.5 | GM Gata Kamsky (6.5) | 2702 |
Naturally the extra $5,000 dollars will come in handy but the title is just reward for his efforts in St.Louis.
Gata Kamsky $30,000 and the title of US Champion 2010.
Yuri Shulman $25,000 and second place.
Kamsky previously won the championship in 1991!
You can find additional information on the official tournament site.
In particular the majority of photos used in my articles on the US Champs eminate from there.