A series of long games in round 8 (138 moves is extremely rare!) have left the top of the table unchanged. Drawing with Black against Harika Dronavalli is an important step For Ju Wenjun on her way to the title. As tomorrow is the last round, she is now assured of at least equal first.
A summary of round 8:
White | Rating | Result | Black | Rating | Moves |
Nana Dzagnidze | 2485 | ½-½ | Kosintseva Nadezhda | 2537 | 138 |
Hou Yifan | 2557 | ½-½ | Zhao Xue | 2513 | 49 |
Sebag Marie | 2515 | 1-0 | Zatonskih Anna | 2510 | 81 |
Harika Dronavalli | 2522 | ½-½ | Ju Wenjun | 2575 | 54 |
Zhu Chen | 2470 | 1-0 | Kosintseva Tatiana | 2460 | 34 |
The time limit is the one that is gradually becoming a standard in strong FIDE events:
40 moves in 90 minutes, then 30 minutes for the remainder of the game. There is, in addition, an increment of 30 seconds by move.
The Sofia rule is also being applied, which means that "draws agreed by mutual consent" before move 30 are forbidden.
The Standings after round 8: