Jobava is European Rapidplay Champion

Baadur Jobava
The Georgian GM Baadur Jobava finished ahead of a group of seven to win the 2011 Championship in Warsaw, Poland. In second place was the young Russian Sanan Sjugirov, and in third the local player Robert Kempinski.

Here are the standings of the top twenty:

Rank Title Player Country Elo Points Tie-break 1 Tie-break 2
1 GM Jobava, Baadur GEO 2678 11.0 100.00 117.50
2 GM Erdos, Viktor HUN 2623 10.5 104.00 122.00
3 GM Korobov, Anton UKR 2660 10.5 103.00 119.00
4 GM Sjugirov, Sanan 2nd RUS 2622 10.5 101.00 117.50
5 GM Kempinski, Robert 3rd POL 2603 10.5 97.50 114.00
6 GM Movsesian, Sergei ARM 2710 10.5 94.00 109.50
7 GM Mista, Aleksander POL 2587 10.5 91.50 107.00
8 GM Olszewski, Michal POL 2539 10.5 90.00 106.00
9 GM Volokitin, Andrei UKR 2695 10.0 102.00 118.50
10 GM Shirov, Alexei ESP 2705 10.0 99.50 116.50
11 GM Wojtaszek, Radoslaw POL 2705 10.0 97.50 115.00
12 GM Bacrot, Etienne FRA 2714 10.0 97.50 114.50
13 IM Tomczak, Jacek POL 2544 10.0 90.00 105.50
14 GM Nepomniachtchi, Ian RUS 2730 9.5 101.50 119.50
15 GM Polgar, Judit HUN 2710 9.5 100.50 118.00
16 GM Bartel, Mateusz POL 2653 9.5 99.50 116.00
17 GM Bryzgalin, Kirill RUS 2467 9.5 99.00 116.00
18 GM Azarov, Sergei BLR 2667 9.5 98.00 115.00
19 GM Jaracz, Pawel POL 2542 9.5 98.00 114.50
20 GM Andriasian, Zaven ARM 2619 9.5 97.00 114.00

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