Carlsen at a canter

He is on a roll! Magnus Carlsen has topped off a purple patch by becoming World Blitz Champion and by a clear margin, three whole points ahead of Anand.

Carlsen dominated. He finished six points ahead of third placed Karjakin and even managed the double over his four closest rivals. The top seven after day two occupied virtually the same places as yesterday, showing a certain consistancy.

Here is the final table

1.Magnus CarlsenNOR280131
2.Viswanathan AnandIND278828
3.Sergei KarjakinUKR272325
4.Vladimir KramnikRUS277224.5
5.Alexander GrischukRUS273623.5471.5
6.Peter SvidlerRUS275423.5466
7.Ruslan PonomariovUKR273923.5466
8.Peter LekoHUN275222451.5
9.Shakhriyar MamedyarovAZE271922429
10.Alexander MorozevichRUS275021.5440.25
11.Vugar GashimovAZE275821.5436.5
12.Levon AronianARM278621
13.Lenier DominguezCUB271920395.5
14.Evgeny BareevRUS263420379.75
15.Vassily IvanchukUKR273919.5
16.Anatoly KarpovRUS261919
17.Boris GelfandISR275818.5
18.Dmitry JakovenkoRUS273617.5
19.Judit PolgarHUN268017
20.Vladislav TkachievFRA264216
21.Arkady NaiditschGER268915
22.Alexandra KosteniukRUS251712.5

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