Cap d'Agde: The qualification fight hots up!

The top seeds looks close to booking their place in the quarter-finals, but the situation is still far from clear for many in the quest for qualification. The final games in the pools are tomorrow in the 2010 Trophée CCAS in Cap d'Agde.

The four highest rated players are all well set for the quarter finals. In pool A the situation is already becoming clear, but in pool B everything is to play for with four players seeking the final two slots.

Here are the details of the fourth and fifth rounds:

Pool A:

Round 4:

Nadezhda KosintsevaRUS25650-1Anatoly KarpovRUS2619
Judit PolgarHUN26820-1Hikaru NakamuraUSA2733
Sophie MillietFRA23880-1Bu XiangzhiCHN2695
Nguyen Ngoc Truong SonVIE26330.5-0.5Romain EdouardFRA2636

Round 5:

Anatoly KarpovRUS26190-1Nguyen Ngoc Truong SonVIE2633
Bu XiangzhiCHN26951-0Nadezhda KosintsevaRUS2565
Romain EdouardFRA26360-1Judit PolgarHUN2682
Hikaru NakamuraUSA27331-0Sophie MillietFRA2388
Anatoly Karpov has played too slowly (chessanytime)
Nakamura: Fast and furious for his 5/5 (chessanytime)

So the standings in Pool A after five rounds are as follows, the top four qualify for the quarter-finals:

1Hikaru NakamuraUSA27335
2Bu XiangzhiCHN26954.5
3=Judit PolgarHUN26823
3=Nguyen Ngoc Truong SonVIE26333
5Nadezhda KosintsevaRUS25652
6Romain EdouardFRA26361.5
7Anatoly KarpovRUS26191
8Sophie MillietFRA23880

Nakamura and Bu Xiangzhi are home and dry, with Polgar and Nguyen looking good for the final two spots. Nedezhda Kosintseva has an outside chance but probably requires 2/2 against Nakamura and Nguyen, which looks like a long shot.

Kateryna Lahno: Unpredictable (chessanytime)
Tatiana Kosintseva: Lacklustre (chessanytime)

In Pool B the results from the third day's play went as follows:

Round 4:

Yannick PelletierSUI25920.5-0.5Tatiana KosintsevaRUS2573
Vassily IvanchukUKR27541-0Jon Ludvig HammerNOR2633
Zhu ChenQAT24800-1Kateryna LahnoUKR2539
Tigran GharamianFRA26580-1Le Quang LiemVIE2694

Round 5:

Tatiana KosintsevaRUS25730-1Tigran GharamianFRA2658
Kateryna LahnoUKR25390-1Yannick PelletierSUI2592
Jon Ludvig HammerNOR26331-0Zhu ChenQAT2480
Le Quang LiemVIE26940.5-0.5Vassily IvanchukUKR2754

So the standings are as follows after five rounds:

1=Vassily IvanchukUKR27544
1=Le Quang LiemVIE26944
3Yannick PelletierSUI25923
4=Tigran GharamianFRA26582.5
4=Jon Ludvig HammerNOR26332.5
4=Kateryna LahnoUKR25392.5
7Zhu ChenQAT24801
8Tatiana KosintsevaRUS25730.5

Ivanchuk and Le Quang Liem look safe for qualification but the next four will have to fight it out for two places.

As a reminder, the earlier results (from the 23rd and 24th of October) were as follows:

Pool A:

Judit PolgarHUN26821-0Nadezhda KosintsevaRUS2565
Sophie MillietFRA23880-1Nguyen Ngoc Truong SonVIE2633
Bu XiangzhiCHN26951-0Anatoly KarpovRUS2619
Hikaru NakamuraUSA27331-0Romain EdouardFRA2636

Round 2:

Nadezhda KosintsevaRUS25651-0Romain EdouardFRA2636
Judit PolgarHUN26821-0Sophie MillietFRA2388
Nguyen Ngoc Truong SonVIE26330.5-0.5Bu XiangzhiCHN2695
Anatoly KarpovRUS26190-1Hikaru NakamuraUSA2733

Round 3:

Sophie MillietFRA23880-1Nadezhda KosintsevaRUS2565
Bu XiangzhiCHN26951-0Judit PolgarHUN2682
Romain EdouardFRA26361-0Anatoly KarpovRUS2619
Hikaru NakamuraUSA27331-0Nguyen Ngoc Truong SonVIE2633

Pool B:

Round 1:

Vassily IvanchukUKR27541-0Yannick PelletierSUI2592
Zhu ChenQAT24800.5-0.5Tigran GharamianFRA2658
Kateryna LahnoUKR25391-0Tatiana KosintsevaRUS2573
Jon Ludvig HammerNOR26330-1Le Quang LiemVIE2694

Round 2:

Yannick PelletierSUI25920.5-0.5Le Quang LiemVIE2694
Vassily IvanchukUKR27540.5-0.5Zhu ChenQAT2480
Tigran GharamianFRA26580.5-0.5Kateryna LahnoUKR2539
Tatiana KosintsevaRUS25730-1Jon Ludvig HammerNOR2633

Round 3:

Zhu ChenQAT24800-1Yannick PelletierSUI2592
Kateryna LahnoUKR25390-1Vassily IvanchukUKR2754
Jon Ludvig HammerNOR26330.5-0.5Tigran GharamianFRA2658
Le Quang LiemVIE26941-0Tatiana KosintsevaRUS2573
Sophie Milliet: A baptism of fire
Judit Polgar: Patchy play, but still on the road to qualification (chessanytime)

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