All-square with one to go

Gelfand versus Grischuk (official site)
Alexander Grischuk innovated and kept the slightly better position into the middlegame, but Boris Gelfand managed to break-out and equalize. A fifth draw from five games means that a win tomorrow will be decisive, with Gelfand having the white pieces in the last classical game.

The Queen's Gambit Declined with B-f4 was well managed by Grischuk in the early stages as he built up some pressure. The middlegame, with a space bind for White, was nevertheless quite solid as Black only had one weakness and that was well-defended.

Boris Gelfand engineered the clever resource ...e5, when the tactical flourish that followed left the simplified position balanced.

Name World rank Country Elo 1 2 3 4 5 6 Score so far
Alexander Grischuk 12 AZE 2747 ½ ½ ½ ½ ½   2½ 
Boris Gelfand 16 ISR 2733 ½ ½ ½ ½  ½  

The remaining schedule: 

Games: Game 6 is tomorrow on the 25th of May.

26th of May: Tie-breaks (if necessary) followed by the Closing Ceremony.

For more information go to official site

Otherwise another useful source is: Fédération Internationale des Échecs

To watch the games live :

The games begin at 3 pm local time

1 pm Paris, Madrid

12 noon London

7 am New York

4 am Los Angeles

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