The game of the round was definitely Topalov's dramatic attempt to win with Black against the World Champion. Anand however held his cool and navigated the labyrinth of variations whilst grabbing further material. The Bulgarian was able to obtain perpetual check with White's king being so open, but had nothing better.
Wang Yue obtained slight pressure in the Catalan with ...Bb4+, which coincidentally was also played in the Anand-Topalov game. Carlsen freed his game by temporarily sacrificing a pawn before inducing a drawish rook ending.
The round eight summary:
Etienne Bacrot | FRA | 2716 | 0.5-0.5 | Vugar Gashimov | AZE | 2719 | Slav Exchange | 14 |
Viswanathan Anand | IND | 2800 | 0.5-0.5 | Veselin Topalov | BUL | 2803 | Catalan/Bogo-indian | 31 |
Wang Yue | CHN | 2732 | 0.5-0.5 | Magnus Carlsen | NOR | 2826 | Catalan/Bogo-indian | 28 |
Bacrot was unambitious taking a known repetition in a quiet line of the Slav. He perhaps decided to take things easy after blundering yesterday.
Here are the standings after the eighth round. With only two rounds to go Carlsen's grip on first place is even firmer:
Standing | Name | Country | Rating | Points |
1 | Magnus Carlsen | NOR | 2826 | 5.5 |
2= | Viswanathan Anand | IND | 2800 | 4.5 |
2= | Etienne Bacrot | FRA | 2716 | 4.5 |
4= | Veselin Topalov | BUL | 2803 | 3.5 |
4= | Vugar Gashimov | AZE | 2719 | 3.5 |
6 | Wang Yue | CHN | 2732 | 2.5 |
Carlsen has a full point margin, with White against Gashimov and Black versus Topalov to come.
Here is a summary of the previous rounds:
Round 1:
Viswanathan Anand | IND | 2800 | 0.5-0.5 | Wang Yue | CHN | 2732 | Slav/Grünfeld |
Magnus Carlsen | NOR | 2826 | 1-0 | Etienne Bacrot | FRA | 2716 | Scotch Opening |
Veselin Topalov | BUL | 2803 | 0.5-0.5 | Vugar Gashimov | AZE | 2719 | Slav Defence |
Round 2:
Wang Yue | CHN | 2732 | 0.5-0.5 | Vugar Gashimov | AZE | 2719 | Nimzoindian Defence |
Etienne Bacrot | FRA | 2716 | 0.5-0.5 | Veselin Topalov | BUL | 2803 | Nimzoindian Defence |
Viswanathan Anand | IND | 2800 | 0.5-0.5 | Magnus Carlsen | NOR | 2826 | Spanish Breyer |
Round 3:
Magnus Carlsen | NOR | 2826 | 1-0 | Wang Yue | CHN | 2732 | Petroff Defence |
Veselin Topalov | BUL | 2803 | 0-1 | Viswanathan Anand | IND | 2800 | Queen's Gambit Declined Lasker |
Vugar Gashimov | AZE | 2719 | 0-1 | Etienne Bacrot | FRA | 2716 | English Opening |
Round 4:
Vugar Gashimov | AZE | 2719 | 0.5-0.5 | Magnus Carlsen | NOR | 2826 | Spanish Breyer |
Etienne Bacrot | FRA | 2716 | 1-0 | Viswanathan Anand | IND | 2800 | Slav Defence |
Veselin Topalov | BUL | 2803 | 0.5-0.5 | Wang Yue | CHN | 2732 | Slav Defence |
Round 5:
Viswanathan Anand | IND | 2800 | 0.5-0.5 | Vugar Gashimov | AZE | 2719 | Slav/Grünfeld Defence | 25 |
Magnus Carlsen | NOR | 2826 | 1-0 | Veselin Topalov | BUL | 2803 | Spanish d3 | 32 |
Wang Yue | CHN | 2732 | 0-1 | Etienne Bacrot | FRA | 2716 | Queen's Indian Defence | 42 |
Round 6:
Wang Yue | CHN | 2732 | 0-1 | Viswanathan Anand | IND | 2800 | Catalan/Bogoljubov | 51 |
Etienne Bacrot | FRA | 2716 | 0.5-0.5 | Magnus Carlsen | NOR | 2826 | Queen's Indian Defence | 48 |
Vugar Gashimov | AZE | 2719 | 0.5-0.5 | Veselin Topalov | BUL | 2803 | Caro-Kann Panov | 43 |
Round 7:
Vugar Gashimov | AZE | 2719 | 0.5-0.5 | Wang Yue | CHN | 2732 | Petroff Defence | 67 |
Veselin Topalov | BUL | 2803 | 1-0 | Etienne Bacrot | FRA | 2716 | Queen's Indian Defence | 37 |
Magnus Carlsen | NOR | 2826 | 0.5-0.5 | Viswanathan Anand | IND | 2800 | Spanish Berlin | 68 |
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